Stringybark Times Past Award 2024


The Stringybark Humorous Short Fiction Award





Chris Ringrose


God with an i


Harold Malley


The Very End of the Affair


Martin Lindsay

When my brother and I started belting each other in the testicles with sticks, as young Aussie males are destined to do, my mother would shout “Stop hitting each other in the Googlies.” Now, obviously, she meant ‘goolies’, since this is the well-known slang term for testicles. But she was a new Australian and, as mentioned, wielded linguistic fabrications like a machete in a crowded elevator.

     — From Learning the Spin by Peter Court

Twenty-seven award-winning short stories from the Stringybark Humorous Short Fiction Awards will make you smile, snigger and guffaw. Navigate your way through a collection of clever and witty tales, via celebrity chefs, carpet snakes, iGods and other bizarre and not so bizarre plots to the very end of the affair.


The Conquering Powers of Vegemite — John Ahern • Not Always the Bridesmaid — Desley Allen • Yes… yes… yes… — Louise S Allen • Lady Keep Your Hat on — Stephen Atkinson • I’ve had a Terrible Day — Stephen Atkinson • The Bard and the Bodies — Carmel Bendon • Tech-Know — Holly Bruce • The Many Roads to Joy — David Campbell • Classroom Heat — Catherine Cooper • A Weekend to Remember — Alan Cornell • Learning the Spin — Peter Court • A Letter to Lettuce — Chris Curtis • Lost Meditations — Wendy Gunthorpe • Above and Beyond the Call — Rusty Hunt • Fifty Shades of Green — Lorraine Jones • Life Changes — K.C. Lane • Vampire of Happiness — Harold Mally • The Slop — Harold Mally • That’s Inappropriate — Sarah Poloski • The Trouble with Patrick — Peter Rondel • Zippedy-Do-Dah — Barbara Stackpoole • The Job Interview — Susan K Sutherland • Fantasy Hotel — Rita Swain • His Perfect Obituary — Roger Wagstaff

Competition Closed: 24th November 2012

180 entries.  $770 in prizes.

Judges: Margie Perkins, Judy Brooker, Grahame Krisenthal and David Vernon

Editor: David Vernon

Proof-reader: Jeanette Vernon

Cover designer: David Vernon

One Cover photographer: Justin Capolongo

Australian printer: Kainos Print (Canberra/Sydney)

27 published stories.  One e-book and printed anthology, The Very End of the Affair.

edited by David Vernon, e-book — and paperback,  Stringybark Publishing,

ISBN: 9781301589449

$14.95 includes postage within Australia.  Discounts for multiple purchases.

Purchase E-book ($3.95 AUD)